How to celebrate Independence Day this year

kazim Muhammad
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In the last five years, a whopping 2.75 million youth have left the country to seek greener pastures abroad. This phenomenon of ‘brain drain’, which has long plagued our country, recently saw a staggering surge – courtesy of Pakistan’s economic crisis and political upheavals. That said, this year's Independence Day marks 76 years since we were entrusted with our homeland. While patriotic sentiments may have lost its fervour, it is our duty as citizens to celebrate our country no matter the circumstances. So, instead of wearing green and white this 14th August, here are six ways you can celebrate your homeland: 1. Sow the seed of knowledge Firstly, let's understand what patriotism exactly means. It means to have an understanding of a nation’s history, culture and accomplishments. It also means to acknowledge a nation’s failures and shortcomings. So, knowing what patriotism includes will help understand whether your efforts are indeed patriotic or not. 2. Hoist the flag with pride The most literal way of being patriotic is to hoist the flag of your country – in the right manner of course. Every country has a set of rules about how the flag should be hoisted. Over the years the practice of hoisting the flag has decreased, even though it is so simple and swells the heart with pride knowing you belong to your country. 3. Find unity in diversity Each country is made up of people of different ethnicities, religions and may belong to varying cultures. But each one of them brings something to the table. Our country is a beautiful amalgamation of the richness of each community that is unique in itself, yet a part of something big. The progress of each country is visible only when everyone feels safe, welcome and happy in that country. The feeling of patriotism rises automatically when you love your country unconditionally. 4. Work towards the ‘greener pastures’ On a simpler note, it speaks volumes about a country when it is neat and clean. Even if there is no state-guided system of waste management, the simple act of not throwing trash on the road or out your car, can go a long way. By doing this yourself, you have the power to encourage others around you to do the same, which results in a cleaner, greener country. Aside from this, planting trees is a great option as it makes the air healthier and attracts a lot more tourism. 5. Buy local Another way you can express your patriotism is by buying locally produced goods as this increases the local revenue and helps the people of your country. By supporting local brands, you are also supporting the employment of local men and women. Also, local products are generally more unique and represent the artisans of our home country. 6. Vote, vote and then vote again! Time and again people refrain from voting because they believe no one on the ballot is worthy of the office. While some may believe that this makes their voice heard, it actually has no effect on keeping the government honest. Instead, going to vote and supporting newer politicians to fight elections is a much more productive alternative. One vote at a time, work towards finding and electing the politicians who will embody the service of “of the people, by the people, for the people.” Being patriotic does not just mean that it should be brief and bright just during the weekend of 14th August. It has to be a steady and constant source that lights the way for posterity. Believe it or not, every little action has some effect that you may or may not see. Most importantly, however, you can always feel patriotic in your heart, because the blood that runs in you is ultimately green.


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